For the average Aussie household, the winter months mean many more hours indoors – and with that inevitably comes higher energy bills. However, there are still many handy tips you can use to help soften the blow. Every individual change you implement will accumulate to make a huge difference!
Add a rug to keep your floors warm.
Hardwood, tile, or concrete floors aren’t just uncomfortable to walk on in winter—they also account for about 10-20% of heat loss when they’re not insulated. Adding a plush rug will not only make your room look and feel cosier, but also help with heat retention.
Close your curtains.
Over 40% of a household’s heat can escape through windows in winter. Close your curtains as soon as possible in the evening to help insulate your home and keep that expensive heat from escaping through the night.
During the day, you want to do the opposite. Allow as much sunlight to pass through the windows as possible by keeping curtains open. This harnesses the sun’s natural energy and warms your home for free!
Don’t let any heat escape.
Track down any cracks and gaps, particularly around doors and windows, and seal them up. Your local hardware store can give advice on the best products to use. A cheap option is a door snake, which will keep cold air from coming in under your doors. Another trick you can use to spot hidden leaks is the “candle test”. Take a lit candle, walk around your home, and hold it near places where you suspect leaks. If the flame starts to flicker, it’s an indication of a leak you need to address.
Check your appliances.
Old and faulty appliances are far less energy efficient and are going to have a considerable strain on your electricity usage. When upgrading, you want to inspect the star rating and energy consumption score. The star rating tells you how energy-efficient the model is compared to others of the same size, while the energy consumption score is a direct measurement of how much energy it uses, regardless of size. The lower the score, the less a model costs to run. The key is to find an appliance with a high star rating that is also no larger than you need.
Switch your ceiling fans into reverse.
This instant life hack will push warm air down into the room instead of directing it upwards and away.